School Staff:
At Rillington Primary School we have a highly dedicated team of staff, who ensure that across our school community:
'Every child matters and every moment counts'
Rillington Primary School - Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher - Mrs Stabler
Mrs Stabler is responsible for leadership and management across school, and is the subject leader for Science.
Mrs Stabler is the designated safeguarding lead.
Senior teacher - Mrs Ahmed
Mrs Ahmed is an experienced teacher and has responsibility for RE, French and computing. Mrs Ahmed also has responsibility for assessment.
Senior teacher - Mrs Walley
Mrs Walley has experience from EYFS through to Year 6. She is the subject leader for English, art and music, she is also responsible for our curriculum.
Mrs Walley is one of our deputy designated safeguarding lead and the link for SEND in school
SENDCo - Mrs Robertson
Mrs Robertson is an experienced SENDCo who also leads Elevate's SEND hub . She works 0.2 in school.. She brings a wealth of knowledge about children with additional needs to the role and is a champion for their outcomes. Mrs Roberston supports the senior leadership team and is also our school improvement advisor.
Rillington's team:
Nursery and Reception (EYFS) - Miss Turner - Acorn Class
Miss Turner has a huge passion for EYFS and has taught at Rillington since 2022. She is responsible for all things EYFS. She is also the subject leader for DT and Geography.
Year 4 and 5 (KS2) - Mrs Ahmed - Cherry Class
Mrs Ahmed has worked in education for over ten years, her experience has ranged from EYFS to KS1 and into KS2, she enjoys teaching mixed aged classes in small schools and she is a welcomed addition to Rillington in September 2023.
Year 6 (KS2) - Miss Dale - Oak Class
Miss Dale joined Rillington from another school within Elevate MAT, she is in her fourth year of teaching and has responsibility for maths and physical education. She is also responsible for teaching and learning. This will be her second year in year 6 at Rillington.
Teaching assistant - Mrs McBurnie
Mrs McBurnie is our reading and phonics champion, she leads on phonics and early reading interventions. She also supports in Year 1 and 2. This year she is training as a forest school leader.
Teaching assistant - Mrs Gee
Mrs Gee is our sensory champion, she supports children with their sensory needs, leading specific interventions for children who have additional needs and works as a 1:1.
French teacher - Madame Cordingley
Madame Cordingley teaches French to KS2 pupils. She is originally from France so it is wonderful our children hear about French cultures.
School administrator - Mrs Jones
Mrs Jones joined the school team in November 2024, she comes from a background of managing and working in private nurseries, she is our school administrator.
Year 1 and 2 (KS1) - Mrs Walley - Willow Class
Mrs Walley loves teaching KS1, when asked which class she wanted in September she jumped at the chance to teach year 1 and 2, although last year she taught year 3 and 4. Like Mrs Ahmed she enjoys working with mixed age classes in village schools. .
Year 3 and 4 - (KS2) - Miss Laidlaw - Hazel Class
Miss Laidlaw loves to teach KS2. She is the subject leader for History and PSHE. She is also responsible for personal development. She has taught at Rillington since 2022
Wellbeing champion - Mrs Johnson
Mrs Johnson is our wellbeing champion. She is trained in emergency mental health first aid for children and adults, and runs interventions to support children with their mental health and wellbeing. She also runs our nurture space, known as 'The Cabin', this is a special place to be and children and adults alike enjoy spending time in it. She is also a deputy designated safeguarding lead.
Teaching assistant - Mrs Widlake
Mrs Widlake is our EYFS champion, she recently joined the school in 2024 and is currently building relationships with children in EYFS and their parents.
Teaching assistant - Mrs Grant
Mrs Grant is our speech and language champion, she leads on interventions for communication and interaction. She also supports in EYFS and as a 1:1.
Teaching assistant - Mrs Francis
Mrs Francis joined the team at Rillington Primary School in November 2023. She completes maths interventions with children across all classes and supports Mrs McBurnie with forest school sessions.
Play leader - Mrs Hall
Mrs Hall is our lunchtime play champion, she supports the children at Rillington Primary School to be active, she also ensures that our children are safe and engaging in play.
School kitchen assistant - Mrs Chandler
Mrs Chandler helps Miss Sturdy in our school kitchen, she also works for Mellors.
School cook - Miss Collins
Miss Collins is our school cook from Mellors Catering Company, their produce is fresh and our school lunches are tasty.