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RILLINGTON Primary School

'Every child matters, every moment counts'

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01944 758402

Rillington Primary School, High St, Rillington, Malton, YO17 8LA

Mrs Carrie Stabler

Year 6 - Oak Tree Class.

Welcome to Year 6.  We would like you to visit our class page to see the incredible learning we have planned and the work the children have been producing.

Welcome to Oak Tree Class.

Miss Dale is the adult working in Oak Tree class

Miss Dale

Welcome to Year 6, Oak Tree Class!

This is my third year teaching year 6 at Rillington Primary School having previously taught in a mixed year 3/4 class in another school within Elevate Multi Academy Trust. As well as year 6 class teacher, I am also the subject leader for maths and PE.

I have always been passionate about working with children after developing an early background in sports coaching, ensuring that the needs and personal interests of each child are met. Beyond the classroom, I enjoy partaking in sporting activities, spending time with family and friends and going on holiday.

I enjoy supporting all of the children in year 6, to ensure that they not only reach their full potential, but also that their final year at Rillington Primary School is fun-filled, rewarding and memorable. I hope to equip them with transferable skills and knowledge which will not only prepare them for, but enable them to succeed as they embark on the next stage of their learning journey.

Secondary School Application

Applications for 2024 - 2025

Parents and carers can apply for a secondary school place for September 2025 from 12 September 2024 and the deadline to apply is 31 October 2024 and applications can be made online at School admissions | North Yorkshire Council

2025 Year 6 Letter to Parents and carers

Class newsletters:

Please click on the name of the document you wish to open, it will open in a new link.

Oak Tree class newsletter autumn 1

Oak Tree class newsletter autumn 2

Oak Tree class newsletter spring 1

Oak Tree class newsletter spring 2

Class timetable:


Year 6 end of KS2 assessments (SATs)

The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 8 May to Thursday 11 May 2023. Please ensure that NO holidays are booked at this time.


Support for parents to understand SATs expectations and arrangements is available in our meeting on 10th November 2022 in Miss Dale's classroom. Further questions can be followed up during parent conversations on 6th December 2022 in the school hall. However, our door is always open so if you have questions or concerns before these meetings please do contact school through your child's class dojo page.


We recommend using the following books for support - these are just a sample that are available from 

Photographs of our learning:

Medium term planning:

Please click on the document to discover what Year 6 will be learning each half term.

SATs information for parents: